Evolution is change in physical form of one organism to another through change in the genetic material, i.e., DNA, in time and space. Amoeba is a single cell organism to start with and man is the latest product of evolution and in between evolved, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, aves and mammals. Man belongs to the class Mammalia, order Primates and species Homo sapiens in short.

Evolution of Mind : Anthropological and Spiritual Perspective
There seems no further evolution of man since last one lakh years but only the activated mind of man is evolving from that of ordinary instinctive mind to various stages as mentioned in the diagram.
Explanation: Characteristics of Mind and Stage
Man and Mind (70%): Ordinary people who get involved in their own and other worldly matters.
Higher Mind (15%): People who work for the well-being of others.
Intuitive Mind (5%): People who have and use sixth sense.
Illuminative Mind (5%): people who can predict future happening, like, Veera Brahmendra Swamy.
Over Mind 3%): All Genius types of people.
Super Mind (2%): Who are equated with God Personification, like, Jesus Christ, Mohammad Prophet, Buddha, Rama and Krishna, others.
Power of Mind and Man : Anthropological / Spiritual View
Man’s progress in socio-cultural ways of living; Science and Technology and making path to Divinity from Humanity through religion is all due to the powerful mind ways. The Super Mind state of mind is said to be the ‘blissful state’ where the soul gets merged with the Super Soul, i.e., God. The process continues till then. Thus, the mind is the medium of perception between soul (Atma) and Super Soul (Paramatma), or whatever you call it, Spirit- Super Spirit; Energy or Super Energy.
Dead End of Science and Religion
Experiencing the nature of energy transformations into matter and life and beyond life there exists only Super Energy. In the background of science we understand life as a physical form and the religion interprets the spiritual nature of life and its existence in the physical form and its journey until merging with the God, Super Energy, which is a blissful state (Sat-Chit-Anand). That is why, it is repeatedly said that we are actually spiritual beings in physical journey and not physical beings on spiritual journey.
Mind perceptions of God and You: Where Do you Stand?
Look at the simple presentation of God Man relationship in the following diagram.