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The Climate Change: Who is to Blame

Global Warming:

There is a lot of concern now-a-days over so called ‘global warming’ as they are experiencing unprecedented changes in the weather as well climate in their environments. First of all is the rising temperature. The fear is that this change in temperatures may affect their life conditions as well traumatic experience of earth quakes, Tsunamis and such other nature’s furies. The worst could be that the Polar ice would melt following this global warming and as a result rise in ocean levels thereby submerging many low lying lands. The other worst possibility is rise in carbon dioxide in biosphere zone and may cause life threat and loss of many plant and animal species including man.

Who is to Blame? For Global Warming/ Destruction of Nature Mother Earth

To answer very precisely, it is Man and modern technology of all kinds over times. The modern technologies of man, especially, Chemical, Petroleum, Nuclear and Textile Industries, are contributing to enormous emissions of carbon and that is contributing to rise in the temperatures of biosphere. For an instance, the use of petrol and diesel based vehicles have gone up in numbers enormously which emanate lot of carbon in to the atmosphere and to speak of others, they are even deadly in their processes and emissions of carbon. The ozone layer depletion in the biosphere was the warning signal for the man and to his modern technology. But, the civilization is like tempest as it engulfs all including the very existence of man in the name of modernity under the guise of Science and Technology.

Natural Way of Changes in Climate:

In the past, there were natural changes in the climate in time and space as glacial and inter-glacial periods that promoted life of all beings including the evolution of man. As a matter of fact, man is the product of interglacial periods in the evolutionary scheme of evolving life beings. At the same time changes in the climate have also led to the disappearance or extinction of certain species.
For example, in the Jurassic period of geological time scale, as a result of such climatic change, the dinosaurs who were the dominant group suddenly disappeared and were extinct as they could not cope with the changes in the climate. It may again repeat as today’s changing weather and climate is largely attributed to man’s intentional and interventional means and modes of living under the cap of Science and Technology.

Modern Technology as Man’s Friend and Foe as well Good and Bad:

Man’s increased dependence on his own technologies which revolutionized his ways of life has become a cause of concern as it is the main culprit or to blame for affecting human health in many ways and also for the increase of carbon concentrations in the biosphere which alters weather and climate beyond our capability of deciphering to the worst side of our living entity. Unless Man moderates his technologies of various kinds and live naturally with the Nature, his very existence is at stake and thus is now thrown or pushed to cross roads.

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