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Defining God as Super Energy Ourselves as God Particle

Faith and Belief over God:

Man and religion from the days of olden to new era in defining God and making difference between God and Being have still lot of misunderstandings and gaps. However, there have been cropped up several religions in defining and believing God and following the paths of their own faith and belief systems of their own to reach out the so called God or Divinity. Further, there exists lot of disharmony in faith and belief of various human groups living across the globe. The hour of the need is to bring harmony and unity between the divided on the basis of religion of their own.

New Concept of Conceiving God as Super Energy:

All religions accept that God is one but stick to their own conceptualization of God. Some believe in monotheism as Messenger of God (Christianity and Islam) and others in Polytheism (Hindu Faith) in God’s existence. However, all religions believe in soul-spirit relationship with God and believe that there would be “Judgement Day” where and when God would judge the actions of each soul in its physical journey.

The new concept of God proposed here is to address as”Super Energy”. What is in the universe is all energy which has the power of convertible and being magnetic in nature. Actually it has no form, no name, no character and no reason to convert to physical form but is found everywhere by being infinite. Such a Super Energy having convertible capacity and capability with magnetic fields of control, has turned itself into matter and life in various forms. The converted energy into matter and life is being termed as “God Particle”, while the source of it is being termed as “Super Energy”. And the whole transformation of Super Energy to physical form and its variations and deviations is scaled on evolutionary scheme.

Man: The highly evolved Physical Energy Being:

The convertible energy into various forms of physical life through evolutionary line in time frame and its distribution is the reality but making an understanding of this process of presentation has led to all sorts of confusion in the physical mind in its interpretation. The anthropological approach of God as Super Energy and living being as the entity of Super Energy as God Particle in physical form could be new approach for universal religion or humanity as human religion. This would enable us to have ‘universal mind’ and ‘universal faith’and becomes a true testimony to mankind. Because, Man alone is bestowed with triggered or activated mind faculty which is not found in other animal kingdom.

Differences between God as Super Energy and Living Being as God Particle:

To conclude, God is Super Energy, spiritual in nature, while life has become physical, either fixed as in plants or moving ball of physical energy as seen in animals including man. The physical life is finite in nature with chargeable energy through food intake. Physical beings have identities, differentiation with names, characters though we are spiritual but turned physical forms to live, experience and enlighten with reason and rationality in self realization that you are part of Super Energy. Thus,we are actually spiritual beings on physical journey but not physical beings on spiritual journey. We have to understand this concept and phenomenon of life and myth. In reality, life and death hold nothing as they are mere source and expression of Super Convertible Energy, but, we mean differently through faculty of our mind set.

Truth is simple and that is the beauty of it! This concept of God as Super Energy and life as God Particle in physical energy form is thrown open for debate to ascribe for establishing ‘universal religion of mankind’ and to aim for ‘unity in diversity in faith and belief’.

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